(World Cup Spoiler) Brasil vs. Deutschland – Summed Up In 11 Seconds

Somethings just need to be shared, this is one of them (condolences to Brasil): http://youtu.be/RLZUKqpXYzU

what the duck?

Posted in funnies, What's new?

a comic strip that feeds funnies to photographers you say?  i do!  and a new one every day, what the duck: What The Duck

it’s coming . . .

Posted in funnies, What's new?

http://losangelesfootballstadium.com/ big question remains which football team is coming to los angeles, since the NFL is not interested in expanding the league… come back home chargers! despite the excitement, who’s going to be thrilled about that eastbound commute on the 60 to the city of industry? not.

another keeper

Posted in funnies, What's new?

i promise to post something of substance soon, but i’m keeping with the fleeting postings of youtube videos for now. besides, i know it’s only you (mom) that’s reading… and you’re going to like this! [youtube]tgbNymZ7vqY[/youtube]

kick it off

Posted in funnies, What's new?

i think this guy is the authority of good times.  such a great video to start it all. =) the guy in the video is matt harding.  it all started when he quit his job and used his savings to travel.  matt-as you will see shortly-has a trademark dance that his friend first captured on […]