kick it off

Posted in funnies, What's new?

i think this guy is the authority of good times.  such a great video to start it all. =)

the guy in the video is matt harding.  it all started when he quit his job and used his savings to travel.  matt-as you will see shortly-has a trademark dance that his friend first captured on film in hanoi.  a friend passes it to a friend… who passes it to a couple friends… and so on.  one of those first comers who saw matt dancing in vietnam was the stride gum company.  they pitched a 6 month trip through 39 countries on their dime.  all matt was to do:  dance.  the idea was almost perfected.  emails came pouring in from people around the world loving what they saw.  matt pitched a new idea to stride:  let’s do it again, but with some of the people that wrote to us.  and now you have perfection in video form, watchable below.  enjoy.


like it?  good.  check out his website.

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